Crest Ontario Numismatic Association

    As It Grows, It Gathers Strength

Ontario Numismatic Association's 50th Annual Convention - 2012

 2012 Ontario Numismatic Association 50th "Anniversary" Convention 

Our 50TH ANNIVERSARY Convention is
now part of the association's history.

We would like to thank our attendees and our volunteers for making this our best convention yet!

Good As GOLD!

The winners of the 2012 Good As Gold draw are:

Grand Prize - 2012 1 oz. Gold Maple Leaf:
#1173: Bob Velensky, Thornhill, ON

(The seller of the winning ticket, Henry Nienhuis, receives $100.00)

Second Prize - 2012 Premium Silver Proof Set:
#1409: Jean Garneau, Cambridge, ON

Consolation Prizes:
#0998: Joyce Mulder, Windsor, ON
#5080: Mason Perry, Woodstock, ON
#0598: Jackie Agnew, Niagara on the Lake, ON
#2972: Betty Freeman, Woodstock, ON
#1740: John Londry, Stittsville, ON


Association Award Recipients

O.N.A. Award of Merit:

Len Trakalo

Fellow of the O.N.A. :

Sandy Lipin

Ed Anderson

Henry Nienhuis

Bruce H. Raszmann Award (Inagural Convention):

William English

Don Robb

Further Convention Information:

  Ontario Numismatic Association (O.N.A.)
  P.O. Box 40033, RPO Waterloo Square, Waterloo, Ontario N2J 4V1, Canada
  Attention: Membership Chairman
    or Email: Membership Information

  This page and website were first created on May 2, 2009 at 8:10 PM; last updated on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 at 12:12 PM © 2009 - 2025 Ontario Numismatic Assocoation