The Founding of the O.N.A. and Its First Convention |
The information in this section was compiled from text that appeared in the earliest issues of the Ontario Numismatist. It is presented
in topical chapters that may be viewed by clicking on the chapter titles below.
On March 11, 1961 representatives of Ontario numismatic societies met in convention at the Second Annual Banquet of the Waterloo Coin Society to discuss matters of mutual interest. At this meeting the Waterloo Coin Society was requested to make a study of the feasibility of the formation of an association of Ontario numismatic societies. The Waterloo Coin Society agreed to perform this study and constituted a committee composed of executive members of the society. The executive felt that the committee should be expanded to include members of other Ontario societies and set about enlisting the services of a number of prominent southern Ontario numismatists.
The final membership of the Formation Committee consisted of
Mr. Rod R. Rekofski, Chairman,
Mr. William English, Vice Chairman,
Mrs. Ruth Mueller, Secretary,
Mr. Bruce Raszmann, Treasurer, and members
Mr. Frank Uttley,
Mr. Walter Holmes,
Mr. Robert C. Willey,
Mr. Bruce Brace and
Mrs. Joan Whitby.
The committee then proceeded with its study soliciting information from clubs and individual numismatists throughout Ontario. With the completion of its study, the committee observed the following:
Ontario Numismatic Association (O.N.A.) P.O. Box 40033, RPO Waterloo Square, Waterloo, Ontario N2J 4V1, Canada Attention: Membership Chairman or Email: Membership Information This page and website were first created on May 2, 2009 at 8:10 PM; last updated on Saturday, December 1, 2012 at 12:12 PM © 2009 - 2025 Ontario Numismatic Assocoation |