The Founding of the O.N.A. and Its First Convention |
The information in this section was compiled from text that appeared in the earliest issues of the Ontario Numismatist. It is presented
in topical chapters that may be viewed by clicking on the chapter titles below.
Through the hospitality of the London Numismatic Society, delegates from the various Ontario numismatic clubs, associations and societies met in conference on October 7, 1961 during the London club's annual banquet.
Mr. Rod R. Rekofski, chairman of the committee, presided at the meeting.
Mr. Bill Clarke, President of the London Numismatic Society, welcomed the delegates on behalf of the London club. The meeting's purpose was to study the report prepared by the committee and determine the feasibility of the formation of an Ontario-wide numismatic association.
Mr. Bill English, vice-chairman of the committee, read the committee's report as copies were distributed to the delegates for their study. The report found that there was a definite need for an Ontario organization and recommended that an association be formed a t the earliest opportunity. After an overwhelmingly positive discussion of the findings of the report,
Mr. Walter Holmes moved that the meeting endorse the report and proceed with the formation of an Ontario association. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Bill English and was carried unanimously.
Rekofski then called for a discussion to decide on a name for the organization.
Mr. Rudy Sauro moved the motion that the organization be called "The Ontario Numismatic Association." This motion, seconded by
Mr. Robert Cassidy, was carried unanimously. So it was that the O.N.A. was officially born in London on October 7, 1961.
In discussing next steps, it was decided that the organizing committee should continue to stand and that its efforts should now be re-directed to organizing a founding convention. The chairman advised the delegates that the Waterloo Coin Society was prepared to offer its facilities at its annual banquet in March 1962 for this purpose. The delegates accepted this offer and
Mr. Ed. Knight then moved that the committee stay in office until the founding convention was held. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Bill Jones and was carried.
Some other early organizational topics were also settled at the meeting. It was recommended that club membership in the Association be $10 per year and that individual membership be $1 per year. The delegates further recommended that, upon return to their clubs, each one should sponsor a motion for their club to join the Association.
Dr. John S. Wilkinson, President of the Canadian Numismatic Association, was a welcome guest and briefly addressed the meeting at its conclusion. He informed the gathering that he appreciated the challenges that lay ahead and wished the new organization the best of success.
By December the committee was busily engaged in framing a constitution with the objective of presenting a draft constitution at the founding convention in Kitchener in March of 1962. Recalling the many suggestions that came from Ontario clubs during its investigation stage, the committee approached a number of clubs throughout Ontario for advice and assistance in writing particular sections of the constitution. The clubs recognized the importance of the endeavor and enthusiastically contributed.
Ontario Numismatic Association (O.N.A.) P.O. Box 40033, RPO Waterloo Square, Waterloo, Ontario N2J 4V1, Canada Attention: Membership Chairman or Email: Membership Information This page and website were first created on May 2, 2009 at 8:10 PM; last updated on Saturday, December 1, 2012 at 12:12 PM © 2009 - 2025 Ontario Numismatic Assocoation |